Of course we’re stressed. Our cruel society masquerades as a meritocracy where trolls search for reasons to revile us while we strive to prove our worth at university we cannot afford and work a degrading and uncertain job that somehow defines us although we wish it didn’t.
Like trapeze artists without a net, we fly to and fro over the open sewer, teaming with alligators, that is our lack of a social safety net. Ironically our stress is compounded to the degree that we strive to take charge of life’s uncertainties; demanding answers from our meditation rather than merely being receptive to what it seeks to bring to us. Come let us meditate like a Jedi!
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #stress #guidance #meditation
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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