A good hearted individual asked, “Does Zen Buddhism have a reading similar to the Tibetan belief of a Bardo after death (like an intermediate state)?”
In both the Chinese Ch’an and Japanese Zen traditions, if your look hard enough, you could find someone to validate just about any point of view.
My favorite Shastra of Chinese origin would have to be “The Song of Enlightenment” by Yong-jia Xuan-jue. In it the author explains that all that is important is the practice of meditation; regardless of who approves of you, or where you find yourself simply exercise your buddha nature by noticing (vulnerably, passively, viscerally, and randomly) during each inhalation, as well as physically relaxing and mentally releasing during each exhalation. Doing so and wherever you are is the pure-land, and whenever you are is the eternity of the now.
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