What if there were two distinct dimensions to rendering Judgment? What could they be? Metaphoric judgement could consist of lavishing hatred on whatever (and whoever) you do not approve of. Doing so could undermine the letting-go, love, and kindness practices of the first through fifth folds of the Buddha’s eight-fold path. So, no, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Literal judgement, on the other hand, is merely noticing what is beneficial and what is harmful. If one’s (so called) mastery of non-duality is so “profound” that they honestly can not distinguish between chocolate and doggy doo, then no, they don’t get to make my dessert.
Did you know that noticing the flaws of another could inform our compassion? And that (according to the Lojong literature) metaphoric judgement that fuels our hate, or fear, or lament could be compared to our teacher who drives us to contemplation, compassion, mindfulness, and meditation?
We SELECT our thoughts and emotions at our peril. Are we are worldly wise enough to recognize how our controlling tendencies do more harm than good? Without repressing some thoughts and chasing others we can recognize whatever we perceive in the present moment and use it to fuel our practice of the Buddha’s path. _/\_
Meditation and philosophy livestream (from a geeky perspective) every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #judgmental #meditation #nonduality
Latest chanting guide and meditation text - https://f9c79b97-0c9c-4bb3-bddf-1a943f5a54d7.filesusr.com/ugd/c5e62c_df580eb4de8e4e5c93732f3417aca7be.pdf
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