Lama Jigme GyatsoMar 6, 20204 min read“You Underestimate my Power” and Seven other Spiritual PoemsThe arrogant meditation studentwas as foolish as he was enthusiastic.One day he boasted to his teacher“I don’t care if anyone else practices this path,for I am practicing this pathand it is making me as happy as a lark!”To which his teacher softly responded,“Oh, that is a very great problem, indeed!For if your empathy for the sufferings of othersis neither spontaneous nor uncontrivedyour mediation, no matter how pleasurable,has taken a very wrong turn.”When shown the error of our wayswe can indulge our prideful and defensive tendenciesgiving them free rein over our choices,and utterances, and actions;like Anakin shouting at Obi-Wan on Mustafar,“you underestimate my power!”shortly and ironically beforehis disfiguring defeat.Or we could choose humility, and vulnerability,and curiosity, and the enthusiasm to evolve.We could ask our teacher for clarificationand assistance in howto specifically and pragmaticallytake our next steps upon enlightenment’s path.Yes, we can choose the defensiveness of toxic masculinityor the vulnerability of healing femininitybut we can NOT choose bothfor they are mutually exclusive,like one path, headed in two directionsone leading to where we have beenand one leading to where we would like to go.May we, therefore, choose well.Today’s second poem:“Indictment”Novel coronavirus, avian flu,swine flu, and E.coliseem to be indictmentsagainst animal husbandry.If our love for animals is not strong enoughto break our habit of exploiting them,then perhaps it is the longingto preserve our speciesthat could wake us up.Today’s third poem:“Defile”My first autumn of collegemy second stepfatherasked me for a blow job.I am not sure which was more disturbing:the ease with which he sought to defilethe parent-child dynamicor the enthusiasm with which he stroveto betray my mother.Today’s fourth poem:“Tantric Sex Tips”Let us speak of tantric sensuality:and assume you and your partnerare already in a relationshipthat is intimate, and committed, and secure.With familiarity, and with comfortcould come a lazy style of lovemaking,that could lead to the follyof directly grabbing erogenous zoneswithout sufficient enticement.If you have ever received a Swedish massageyou could remember that the sessionclassically concludes with what they call“long, connecting, strokes;”where left-hand drags up from footand right hand simultaneously drags down from handand the two meet in the torso.Likewise, allow the peckof a lip kissto transmute into the passionof an open mouth kiss;and let the firm and slow caressof a distinctly G-rated partof your partner’s bodyslowly move towardsmuch more interesting parts of their bodyonly to detour at the last moment.Just as in preparation for a sneezewe involuntarily take a few, shallow,halting breathsprior to the sneeze’s main eventlikewise long, slow, strokes of your partner’s bodyshift the blood mass in a waythat makes their body feellike sex is their own idea.Like the abdominal undulationsof a belly dancerthat have been crafted over the millenniaby wise women determined to convince menthat Cunnilingus was their idea.The most effective wayto apply this adviceis NOT to do soas if following a recipefrom a place of contrivanceor to do so in a frenzyfrom a place of scatterednessbut rather to do so from a placeof centered spontaneity;which is the fruitof effective meditation.Today’s fifth poem:“Mental Poisons”In Mahayana Buddhismwe speak of the five mental poisonsas well as the five wisdoms.It is a myth of patriarchythat the five wisdoms are an antidotethat must be applied to the five mental poisonsof: hate, and greed, and confusion, and jealousy, and pride.If the five wisdoms are NOT the antidotesto the five mental poisonsthen what is the relationship betweenthese two sets of five?From the point of viewof Mahamudra and Dzogchenwithin hate is the seed of mirror-like wisdomand within greed is the seed of discriminating wisdom,and within confusion is the seedof the wisdom of the basic space of phenomena,and within jealously is the seed of all-accomplishing wisdom,and within pride is the seed of equalizing wisdom.If that is the case,then how do we actualize the wisdomat the heart of every mental poison?By applying the universal antidoteof awareness and release.During each inhalationpassively, vulnerably, non-analytically noticewhatever you experience.During each exhalationphysically relax as best you canthat you might mentally let go as well.Noticing ragewe could relax into mirror-like wisdomnoticing greedwe could relax into discriminating wisdom,noticing confusionwe could relax intothe wisdom of the basic space of all phenomenanoticing jealouslywe could relax into all-accomplishing wisdomand noticing pridewe could relax into equalizing wisdom.A Jedi could squander decadespouring over the teachings of every Holocronor, like Qui Gon Jinnsimply be led by the force.Likewise, within our mindsare the prison cells of circumstantial stress,and cells of physical stress,and cells of emotional stress,and cells of mental stress,but the single key that opens them allis the simple practiceof awareness and release.Today’s sixth poem:“Work”No, you do NOT needyour teacher’s permissionbut only your teacher’s advice.Do you not valueyour teacher’s advice?Why?When you applied her instructionsdid you fail to receive satisfactory results?If that is the casethen go, find a teacherwhose instructions workwhen you apply them.Today’s seventh poem:“A leaf in a Gale”One bright morning,during the years I attended elementary school.stepfather was livid, again.In the harshest language, and volume possiblehe explained that our dogwould die prematurelybecause I did not exercise it enough.This was the first time he had evereven hinted that I should exercise the dogand now he was accusing meof murdering her through neglect.How much pain was stepfather in, that day?What was itthat was driving himlike a leaf in a gale?Today’s eighth and final poem“Tractor Beam”Be yourself,be yourself,always be yourself,for to pretend to be someone you are notis to live your lifein a prison of your own creation.Be yourself, for doing so could repelthose incapable of appreciating who you really areand also draw into your lifethose who are best for youlike the Millennium Falcon caughtin the tractor beam of the Death Star.Let us conclude with a simple call to actionShare this on social media. Feeling generous? Then support us on PayPal Download FREE practice materials at:Register for the next series of 16 weekly webinars These spiritual poems are also available on the “Meditate Like a Jedi” podcast.
The arrogant meditation studentwas as foolish as he was enthusiastic.One day he boasted to his teacher“I don’t care if anyone else practices this path,for I am practicing this pathand it is making me as happy as a lark!”To which his teacher softly responded,“Oh, that is a very great problem, indeed!For if your empathy for the sufferings of othersis neither spontaneous nor uncontrivedyour mediation, no matter how pleasurable,has taken a very wrong turn.”When shown the error of our wayswe can indulge our prideful and defensive tendenciesgiving them free rein over our choices,and utterances, and actions;like Anakin shouting at Obi-Wan on Mustafar,“you underestimate my power!”shortly and ironically beforehis disfiguring defeat.Or we could choose humility, and vulnerability,and curiosity, and the enthusiasm to evolve.We could ask our teacher for clarificationand assistance in howto specifically and pragmaticallytake our next steps upon enlightenment’s path.Yes, we can choose the defensiveness of toxic masculinityor the vulnerability of healing femininitybut we can NOT choose bothfor they are mutually exclusive,like one path, headed in two directionsone leading to where we have beenand one leading to where we would like to go.May we, therefore, choose well.Today’s second poem:“Indictment”Novel coronavirus, avian flu,swine flu, and E.coliseem to be indictmentsagainst animal husbandry.If our love for animals is not strong enoughto break our habit of exploiting them,then perhaps it is the longingto preserve our speciesthat could wake us up.Today’s third poem:“Defile”My first autumn of collegemy second stepfatherasked me for a blow job.I am not sure which was more disturbing:the ease with which he sought to defilethe parent-child dynamicor the enthusiasm with which he stroveto betray my mother.Today’s fourth poem:“Tantric Sex Tips”Let us speak of tantric sensuality:and assume you and your partnerare already in a relationshipthat is intimate, and committed, and secure.With familiarity, and with comfortcould come a lazy style of lovemaking,that could lead to the follyof directly grabbing erogenous zoneswithout sufficient enticement.If you have ever received a Swedish massageyou could remember that the sessionclassically concludes with what they call“long, connecting, strokes;”where left-hand drags up from footand right hand simultaneously drags down from handand the two meet in the torso.Likewise, allow the peckof a lip kissto transmute into the passionof an open mouth kiss;and let the firm and slow caressof a distinctly G-rated partof your partner’s bodyslowly move towardsmuch more interesting parts of their bodyonly to detour at the last moment.Just as in preparation for a sneezewe involuntarily take a few, shallow,halting breathsprior to the sneeze’s main eventlikewise long, slow, strokes of your partner’s bodyshift the blood mass in a waythat makes their body feellike sex is their own idea.Like the abdominal undulationsof a belly dancerthat have been crafted over the millenniaby wise women determined to convince menthat Cunnilingus was their idea.The most effective wayto apply this adviceis NOT to do soas if following a recipefrom a place of contrivanceor to do so in a frenzyfrom a place of scatterednessbut rather to do so from a placeof centered spontaneity;which is the fruitof effective meditation.Today’s fifth poem:“Mental Poisons”In Mahayana Buddhismwe speak of the five mental poisonsas well as the five wisdoms.It is a myth of patriarchythat the five wisdoms are an antidotethat must be applied to the five mental poisonsof: hate, and greed, and confusion, and jealousy, and pride.If the five wisdoms are NOT the antidotesto the five mental poisonsthen what is the relationship betweenthese two sets of five?From the point of viewof Mahamudra and Dzogchenwithin hate is the seed of mirror-like wisdomand within greed is the seed of discriminating wisdom,and within confusion is the seedof the wisdom of the basic space of phenomena,and within jealously is the seed of all-accomplishing wisdom,and within pride is the seed of equalizing wisdom.If that is the case,then how do we actualize the wisdomat the heart of every mental poison?By applying the universal antidoteof awareness and release.During each inhalationpassively, vulnerably, non-analytically noticewhatever you experience.During each exhalationphysically relax as best you canthat you might mentally let go as well.Noticing ragewe could relax into mirror-like wisdomnoticing greedwe could relax into discriminating wisdom,noticing confusionwe could relax intothe wisdom of the basic space of all phenomenanoticing jealouslywe could relax into all-accomplishing wisdomand noticing pridewe could relax into equalizing wisdom.A Jedi could squander decadespouring over the teachings of every Holocronor, like Qui Gon Jinnsimply be led by the force.Likewise, within our mindsare the prison cells of circumstantial stress,and cells of physical stress,and cells of emotional stress,and cells of mental stress,but the single key that opens them allis the simple practiceof awareness and release.Today’s sixth poem:“Work”No, you do NOT needyour teacher’s permissionbut only your teacher’s advice.Do you not valueyour teacher’s advice?Why?When you applied her instructionsdid you fail to receive satisfactory results?If that is the casethen go, find a teacherwhose instructions workwhen you apply them.Today’s seventh poem:“A leaf in a Gale”One bright morning,during the years I attended elementary school.stepfather was livid, again.In the harshest language, and volume possiblehe explained that our dogwould die prematurelybecause I did not exercise it enough.This was the first time he had evereven hinted that I should exercise the dogand now he was accusing meof murdering her through neglect.How much pain was stepfather in, that day?What was itthat was driving himlike a leaf in a gale?Today’s eighth and final poem“Tractor Beam”Be yourself,be yourself,always be yourself,for to pretend to be someone you are notis to live your lifein a prison of your own creation.Be yourself, for doing so could repelthose incapable of appreciating who you really areand also draw into your lifethose who are best for youlike the Millennium Falcon caughtin the tractor beam of the Death Star.Let us conclude with a simple call to actionShare this on social media. Feeling generous? Then support us on PayPal Download FREE practice materials at:Register for the next series of 16 weekly webinars These spiritual poems are also available on the “Meditate Like a Jedi” podcast.