By definition
desire is antithetical to peace.
But repressing it merely hobbles our mindfulness
(without which, the Buddha assures us,
there can be no lasting serenity).
I recommend that we swing back and forth
between meditation and contemplation .
Coordinating the mental recitation
of “Notice this… relaxing!”
with our inhalations and exhalations
creates a fertile field
to notice the deeper corners of our viscera.
After twelve rounds
of the above meditation
I recommend silent recitations
of the following single-breath contemplations:
“Profound peace… now for all!”
followed by these three rhetorical questions
“Where feel stress? Relaxing!”
“How could this… always change?” and
“How could this… NOT be me?”
Practice every morning and every evening
for seven consecutive days
and very great good could come from it.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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