According to Taisen Deshimaru Roshi the practice of Soto consists of:
1 – chanting the heart sutra,
2 – sitting in Zen, and
3 – receiving discourses.
Through the magic of paper and ink many have received the teachings of masters long since departed and taken them to heart (like an elixir for reviving the dead).
The Ch’an (that would be known as Zen in Japan) is the love child of Dhyana and Daoism, hence the Body, Breath, and Mind of Ancestor Wu’s three treasures became the armature upon which the cloth of Soto was draped.
Prior to Ancestor Wu, Lao Tzu spelled out the path of the sage as being: flexible, loving, laid-back, egalitarian, cooperative, and kind. Do these attributes describe your Roshi, and his effects upon yourself and your fellow students?
When next you sit in Zen. contemplate the empty nature of your preconceptions; and you too could meditate like a Jedi. _/\_
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