Sadly, fundamentalist teachers
are not known for their perception of subtly.
However, when we take a nuanced view
of the first two noble truths
the confusion evaporates.
The first noble truth
is that there are STRESSORS:
circumstantial, and physical, and interpersonal, and mental.
The second truth
is that we tend to exacerbate those stressors
by living in resistance to them.
By trying to “make things happen.”
Ironically, it is by training
in the mindfulness and release
of the seventh and eighth folds
(of the eight fold path)
that we viscerally discover
the centered spontaneity, or flow state,
that is the middle ground between
contrivance and scatteredness.
Ideally we meditate,
not out of hate for Samsara
nor lust for Nirvana
but simply because it supports our journey
in the flow of Buddha Nature,
like the suspensors that supported
the corpulent mass of the Baron Harkonnen.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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