Earth has been graced with luminaries such as Lao Tzu, Gautama, and Jesus. They lived from empathy and were: flexible, loving, vulnerable, laid back, egalitarian, cooperative, and kind. They taught by word and example leaving behind a legacy of teachings and their adherents.
Sadly, many folk are defined by the survival centers of their under-brain; rendering them: rigid, fearful, defensive, controlling, elitist, competitive, and cruel. These are drawn to all positions of power like moths to a porch light and waste no time insinuating themselves into religious and political power positions. These are the authors of ugly legislation and edicts: homophobic, classist, racist, sexist, fascist, and jingoistic.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – linktree in profile #wisdom #folly #homophobia
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
In the Tibetan tradition Lamas are supported
not by monasteries but by students
as such the production of these livestreams,
blogs, and class materials is supported
by the generosity of viewers, and listeners, and readers
just like you.
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