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  • Writer's pictureLama Jigme Gyatso

Depression, Anger, and Yoda

Depression is dark, depression is heavy. It is a loathsome place that can only be avoided if we understand it.

Peer reviewed studies have shown a causal relationship between systemic inflammation

If you feel prone to depression go to the PCRM website and find a plant based psychiatrist to help you with the physical causes and psychological symptoms of depression.

Yoda was right the dark side is seductive and quick to join us in a fight; even in our fight against depression. But Palpatine’s disfigurement reminds us of how it corrupts the flesh. Could not the same be said of rage, anger, and even annoyance?

Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – - linktree in profile - #depression #yoda #anger

Let us conclude

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