Relatives do not have to be malicious to be toxic. And we can accept the mood of the moment without clinging to it; for they are fleeting and evanescent.
We select our emotions at our peril for doing so indulges out controlling tendencies, whether towards the sadness of the moment, we shove or clutch. As our meditation grows more skillful so too could the centered spontaneity through which our choices, utterances, and deeds could flow.
What could be skillful responses to the controlling, cowardly, exploitive, resentful, and foolish tendencies of those with whom we live, and upon whom we depend, no less our own sorrow, fear, and aggression?
FIRST – “How could ___… feel stressful?”
SECOND – “All beings ___… may I soothe!”
THIRD – “How could ___… never last?”
FOURTH – “How could ___… not be me?”
Mentally recite the slogan to the left of the ellipse during the inhalation and the slogan to its right during the exhalation. Practice four rounds of each contemplation. After which you could rest in the dance of mindfulness and meditation with the slogans “Feeling this… relaxing!” for sixteen rounds.
Allowing your circumstances (as well as your visceral reactions to them) to come and go of their own accord is the key to both enduring the present moment no less navigating it, and even escaping it (in a sustainably manner). _/\_
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