Would the Buddha recognize his teachings, the way they are practiced today? He warned against ritual, but it has crept in. The story of his cousin (Devadatta) served as a cautionary tale against rigidity, controlling tendencies, elitism, and competitiveness; yet those attributes seem to abound in mainstream Buddhism.
Come, let us slice through the Gordian knot of contemporary fundamentalism. If it is peace, happiness, and fulfillment you desire then seek fellow practitioners who embody the attributes you desire. May you find a teacher who is suitably: flexible, loving, laid back, egalitarian, cooperative and kind. Do this, and everything could fall into place.
Meditation and philosophy (youtube) livestream every 12 hours – https://www.YouTube.com/LamaJigmeGyatso - linktree in profile - #buddhism #fundamentalism #lama
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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