When first exposed
to the seven enlightenment factors
I was shocked
that energy, joy, and tranquility
were prerequisites to enlightenment,
NOT its benefits;
for those things felt
quite mysterious.
I stumbled upon teachers
who taught me
how those self-same attributes
are our physical bodies treasures
waiting to be unearthed.
My Chinese, Vietnamese,
and Tibetan teachers
taught of the influence
of facial expressions
upon emotions.
My Japanese and Tibetan teachers
taught of the influence of posture
upon energy.
My Thai, Vietnamese, and Tibetan teachers
taught the role physical relaxation
in serenity and balance.
Western neuroscience revealed
the autonomic nervous system’s role
in our dance of mindfulness and meditation.
My Chinese and Tibetan teachers taught
of mind’s dependence upon the body
and therefore the need
of food and rest.
Are you lacking
in sleep, sunshine, fresh air, exercise,
and stimulation:
both mental and emotional?
Ironically, dreary meditation
wakes us up
to needs - unmet,
and priorities - confused.
For the test of the techniques
with which we play
is NOT their orthodoxy
BUT their pleasure.
So fear NOT the dynamo of proper posture,
the joy of subtly grinning at your nose,
or the peace of physical relaxation. _/\_
Meditation and philosophy livestream (from a geeky perspective) every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #meditation #doldrums #joy
Latest contemplation guide and meditation text - https://f9c79b97-0c9c-4bb3-bddf-1a943f5a54d7.filesusr.com/ugd/c5e62c_0f4a004f05734a8eb58c65416372a35a.pdf
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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