Are you familiar with the affirmation, “If it is to be, it is up to me!”? Oh what an efficient way to lose your peace and squander your life. Meditation is the quest for contentment and, when performed correctly, (as a fringe benefit) could reveal the middle ground between the two toxic extremes of being scattered and being controlling. From that midpoint your choices, utterances and deeds could flow from a place of centered spontaneity, rather than from perpetual dissatisfaction: hungry and striving and relentless.
During (IN-breath) mindfulness you could notice your thoughts of future longing as you silently recite “Notice this…”. During your (OUT-breath) meditation you could mentally recite “relaxing!” thus setting space for your mind to release its resistance to its dissatisfaction and longing.
The goal is NOT to choose what we think or feel, but to notice them and to make peace with them. Do that, and you’ll meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream (from a geeky perspective) every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #dissatisfaction #longing #meditation
Latest Contemplation guide and Meditation text - https://f9c79b97-0c9c-4bb3-bddf-1a943f5a54d7.filesusr.com/ugd/c5e62c_047484c48df34e19bd282f6ad474bba3.pdf
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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