No, I do not agree with Thomas Hobbes assessment
that our ancestors’ lives were
“…solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short…”
and nether do reputable anthropologists.
One need only contrast the behavior
of Bonobos with Chimpanzees,
the former being matriarchal and egalitarian,
whereas the latter are patriarchal and elitist.
The primary difference between these two groups
is not their genetics
but their environment.
Time and again
circumstantial scarcity correlates with aggression
while abundance correlates with compassion.
Although morality begins
with social safety nets
it must take us all the way
to a post scarcity society.
Perhaps that is why,
in the third season of Clone Wars,
Senator Padme Amidala asked
“Say nothing of fiscal responsibility;
what about moral responsibility?”
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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