Every human brain,
is equipped with fault-finding circuitry.
This exists,
not at the whimsy
of some malicious deity,
but rather was selected for,
by evolution,
as one of many tools
to keep us alive.
But it does not always
feel that way,
not at all.
From the reptilian perspective
it evaluates our wealth and safety.
And from the mammalian perspective
it evaluates our relationships.
But from the perspective of meditation
it could simply ask
if we are flowing from the centered spontaneity,
that the Daoists call simplicity
and that the Buddhists call Buddha Nature.
The latter
is much better than the former,
much better than being burned alive
in the fires of our reptilian goals,
like Darth Vader’s defeat on Mustafar.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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