The Tao Te Ching is rather insistent about going with the flow, but what is that?
When we are in the zone, our choices, utterances, and deeds could feel as if they are flowing in a centered and spontaneous manner (as if, as Stephen Mitchell translates
in the 22nd chapter, we’re being “lived BY the Tao”).
How is this other than clinical disassociation? Mindfulness! We still perceive sensations, flavors, scents, sounds, sights, emotions, intentions, cognitions, recollections, and imaginings as we inhale, BUT we physically relax and mentally release with meditation’s every exhalation. The mastery of this is what transforms a Padawan into a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – – linktree in profile - #gowiththeflow #tao #meditation
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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