Disassociation can be frightening, and dangerous. Before sharing a contemplative solution, I would be remiss if I did not remind you that if you feel that you struggle with depression the PCRM website offers a FREE service helping you to find an M.D. who practices Psychiatry through the lens of Whole-food veganism.
Disassociation is antithetical to the Buddha’s path for without mindfulness (vulnerable and visceral) there can be no enlightenment. If you feel prone to disassociation might I recommend the first through fourth Jhanas (or levels) of meditation?
The trick to accessing them easily and reliably is as follows: with each IN-breath practice mindfulness by silently reciting “Feeling this…”. With each OUT-breath practice meditation by mentally reciting “relaxing!” Practice every twelve hours that you too could meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #disassociation #depression #meditation
Latest contemplation guide and meditation text - https://f9c79b97-0c9c-4bb3-bddf-1a943f5a54d7.filesusr.com/ugd/c5e62c_79561d23a3bc4db6831020dc63d94e01.pdf
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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