In Tantric Buddhism
there are several ways to center
our energy of course;
for through
the centering of energy
we could experience
the centering of mind.
There are many subdivisions
of Buddhist Tantra.
In father Tantra
we first center our energy
at the heart
as we have seen
in Naropa’s SECOND yoga
of “Clear Light”
and in his FIFTH yoga
of the “Three Bringings.”
In mother tantra
one first centers their energy
in the lower abdomen
as we see in Naropa’s FIRST yoga
of “Inner Heat.”
However in most
tantric, guided meditation texts,
(or Sadhana’s if you prefer Sanskrit)
energy is first centered
at the crown of the head
either by visualizing
the presence of a Buddha there
or the presence of one’s teacher there
or the presence of a syllable there;
or as a by product or by practicing
Naropa’s FIRST yoga of “Inner Heat”
or his FOURTH yoga
of “transference of consciousness,”
which is favored by many Dzogchen Yogis,
including the fourteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet.
Although these centering techniques
are NOT panaceas for all life’s problems
they are remarkably efficient ways
to prepare for contemplative practice;
thus creating
the metaphoric even playing field
when we meditate
so that we will not begin
as it were
behind the eight ball.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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