Why do we come to meditation
with agenda and expectation?
Because of our controlling tendencies:
latent and insidious.
Consider Yoda:
during the sixth season of “The Clone Wars,”
when finally he was almost ready
to depart from patriarchy,
he replaced his concentration with mindfulness:
vulnerable, passive, visceral and spontaneous.
For when the silence of his meditation was pierced,
he did not resist.
Instead Yoda courageously acquiesced and flowed
with the present moment experience,
allowing it to take him on a journey
that undermined his standing in the Jedi order
and eventually led him to his new teacher
the disembodied Qui Gon Jinn.
Perhaps that is why Rumi,
the Persian Sufi, wrote,
“Listen to silence, it has much to say.”
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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