As Contemplative’s
upon the Buddhist path
of liberation
our job is NOT
to flee from some emotions
and chase after other emotions
au contraire…
our job is to simply be vulnerable
to whatever emotion comes up:
to simply notice it
without analyzing it,
without labeling it,
merely calling it “THIS”
if we must call it anything at all
and then to physically relax
as we breathe out
which creates the propensity
or supports the tendency
of our mind to release.
Think of it this way
we have been conditioned
to not just observe our emotions
but get involved in them
like two children
playing in the sandbox
at the park
and getting rather filthy.
When we get good at meditation
we become like their grandfather
sitting on the park bench
watching in amusement
as they play in the sand.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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