“New Trek has grown too woke!”
the embittered regressive grumbled
like the curmudgeon he was.
Clearly he forgot
that within the three seasons of the original series
the topics of sexism, racism, greed, jingoism, and classism
were explored fearlessly and enthusiastically.
Not to mention that it was Star Trek
that featured our nation’s first interracial kiss
on broadcast television;
a source of great controversy in its day.
Like Buckminster Fuller and Dr. Martin Luther King,
Gene Roddenberry used his expertise
to promote humanity’s journey
from competition and cruelty
to cooperation and compassion
in the form of a post-scarcity economy.
When science fiction is at its best
it explores all the arts and sciences
with the intention of evolving our species.
Look, look at their claw marks upon the earth
and you can see where regressive sci-fi geeks
we dragged to greater degrees of love,
kicking, and screaming, and certainly against their will.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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