To effectively practice
the Buddha’s contemplations
of compassion, love,
and letting go
it is very helpful
to use what I like to call
an economy of syllables.
So instead
of thinking in terms
of eschewing others contempt of us
and cultivating their respect
we pretend these words
are wool garments
that we have washed in hot water,
dried on high
and shrunk down
to the mono-syllabic synonyms
of scorn and praise.
For truly
our predecessors
who did not possess the traits
to avoid others scorn
and garner other’s praise
did not live long enough
to pass on their
genetic material.
Therefore may we NOT
be squeamish
over the duality
of hating scorn
and craving praise.
For they are integral
to the further development
of our mindfulness,
and compassion, and love
and the wisdom of letting-go.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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