In ancient Greece
Aesop told the tale
of a wolf determined
to devour a lamb.
More clever
than he was swift
the predator dropped
the prey’s defenses
through the cunning use
The lamb
was so captivated
by the task
of defending herself
against the wolf’s
that she forgot
to protect herself
from his fangs.
Here too
on Instagram
trolls prowl
who too are happy
to distract us
with outlandish accusations
that are irrational, illogical,
numerous, and contradictory;
all the while
they devour
NOT our flesh
BUT instead our:
time, and energy,
and peace.
May we practice
the wisdom,
that recognizes
the pattern of their ploys,
lets them go,
and serenely
walks away.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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