In the Metta Sutta
the Buddha warns against
clinging to opinions.
Such clinging can be seen,
to quite a vulgar degree,
in many of Facebook’s,
so called, Buddhist groups.
There we could read the posts
of self-important people
who, without the benefit of ten thousand hours of formal study
and an additional ten thousand hours of formal practice:
stomp and snort,
divorcing themselves from critical thought,
distorting the Buddha’s teachings,
and verbally “destroying” all who annoy,
no less disagree with them.
These petty potentates
are reminiscent of Darth Vader’s words
to Obi Wan Kenobi on Mustafar:
“I have brought peace,
freedom, justice, and security
to MY new EMPIRE!”
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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not by monasteries but by students
as such the production of these livestreams,
blogs, and class materials is supported
by the generosity of viewers, and listeners, and readers
just like you.
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