His preceptor asked,
“What is best in life?”
to which Conan, the Barbarian, responded,
“To crush your enemies,
to see them driven before you,
and to hear the lamentation of their women!”
Far too often
it is the most ruthless who seize for themselves
the greatest wealth and power.
Thus armed
they legislate their greed,
call it patriotism,
and condemn all
who fail to follow
in their footsteps.
In ancient Rome
compassion was sneered at as weakness.
And a contemporary evangelical author
has railed against empathy.
Yet both the Buddha and Lao Tzu
endorsed the path of love
while neuroscience teaches us
that as mammals we are literally wired for empathy.
Why then do we persist
in embracing
the psychopathic ideal?
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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