Let us not mistake detachment
for revulsion, renunciation or rejection.
Despite the ravings of patriarchy,
one cannot hate or fear their way to love and peace
any more than one can successfully
make love in the name of virginity.
One need NOT reason or self-talk
their way to letting-go
for evolution has already beat us to the punch.
During each inhalation
our body and mind are optimized
to notice: vulnerably, passively,
viscerally, and spontaneously.
And during each exhalation
our physiology is wired
to physically relax
and mentally release.
That is the secret to
the mindfulness, meditation, and detachment
which matriarchy treasures
and over which patriarchy boggles.
Like Rey Skywalker who we see
squandering her meditation
with grasping and begging
in the opening of “The Rise of Skywalker.”
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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