No one makes it to the grave
without making a bad decision at least once.
To err is human
and each of us is VERY human.
What then are we to do in the aftermath
of being a star spangled bone head?
Are we to swan dive
into the deep end of self-loathing?
Are we to throw our hands in the air,
concluding that the goal
was too lofty and unrealistic?
Shall we delude ourselves
with toxic positivity?
The Buddha would suggest
that as we inhale
we vulnerably sit
with our actions and their consequences,
and that as we exhale
we physically relax as best we can,
thus setting space to mentally let go.
This inadvertently cultivates
the centered spontaneity
through which our evolution and performance
are bound to improve.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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