Like many survivors
of the C-PTSD
that comes from prolonged child abuse
I was drawn to the promised safety
and quasi-parental approval
dangled before me by patriarchy,
like a carrot before a donkey,
or like Chancellor Palpatine
dangling the promise
of protecting the lives of loved ones
before Anakin Skywalker.
And like many survivors
of both fetal-alcohol-syndrome
as well as childhood molestation
rage was a big part of my neurological make-up.
Although I fought against
my inner monster all my life
using EVERY tool at my disposal,
I found the world view of patriarchy
as well as its techniques
to not only be impotent in my quest
but to actually exacerbate my latent rage.
As a child of the mid 60’s
the idealized archetype of the hippy girl
drew me to the Tao Te Ching
and Patrul’s final Shastra
which, in turn, drew me
inexorably to matriarchy.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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