The hookah-smoking caterpillar explained to young Alice, (in a Facebook meme) “‘You,’ he said, ‘are a terribly real thing – in a terribly false world, and that, I believe, is why you are in so much pain.”
In the 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching we learn of the virtues of having a yin mindset: which is flexible, loving, laid back, and egalitarian. This is inferred in the Buddha’s teachings of the seven enlightenment factors. We are also warned to avoid a yang mindset: which could be rigid, fearful, controlling, and elitist.
My furry, little, idealist brain was shocked to learn that those who are defined by yang could, at times, be openly hostile to whose who are defined by yin; whereas the latter are too busy loving everyone to really notice much.
Children tend to have an over inflated sense of justice and often expect their wisdom and kindness to be rewarded. And if not rewarded, then at least not punished. When we learn the truth of the matter it could often be a rude awakening. Is it any wonder that so many children lament, “Life is unfair!”
Yes, life could be unfair, and unkind, an even cruel. That is why we could practice the Buddha’s contemplations and meditations so that we could persist with our yin mindsets and peacefully roll with the punches.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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