Yes, life is messy. And surveying the seemingly insurmountable stressors endured by ourselves and our loved ones could fuel our controlling tendencies or overwhelm.
We could transcend our apathy by practicing the “right aspiration” that wishes for all circumstances to be fortunate, all bodies to be healthy, all relationships to be peaceful, and all minds to be joyful.
We could slip our controlling tendencies by practice the “right view” that contemplates the impermanence of: the four bases of mindfulness, their stressors, and our sense of self.
Enhancing these contemplations of love and letting-go through the use of mantra and metaphor; we too could meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – – linktree in profile #life #messy #meditation
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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