Come let us discuss pleasure,
let us talk about sex.
And let us do so
by contrasting
coarse porno sex
with subtle karezza tantra.
Let us begin
with the destination
of orgasm.
Porno sex sprints
towards crotch-gasms
whereas subtle sex
meanders in the direction
of heart-gasms.
Let us consider
the neuro-science
of their respective
reward systems.
Just as in
the cylinders
of an
internal combustion engine
there must be
just the right mixture
of fuel and air
likewise in sex
there is always a blend
of exciting dopamine
and comforting oxytocin.
Where crotch-y porno sex
creates a ratio higher in dopamine
heart-y karezza sex
generates a blend higher in oxytocin.
When crotch-y dopamine
drives our sex life
our relationships tend to be either
dramatic and short lived
or great, lumbering, dead things
that seem to shamble on forever.
However when heart-y oxytocin
powers our love life
our relationships tend to be happy,
fulfilling, and sustainable.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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