The key to successfully blending
the practice of semen retention
with a sexually active relationship
is to view orgasmic sublimation
through the lens neuroscience.
The question then becomes a matter
NOT of kink versus vanilla,
but rather accessing
the dopamine oriented reward system
verses the oxytocin oriented one;
the former leading
to romantic dissatisfaction
and the latter leading
to greater emotional intimacy.
The question
is not one of technique
but of intensity.
By following the twenty-one day protocol
in the back of “Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow”
we can recalibrate our appreciation
of sexual subtlety.
If edging take us to the very boarder
of the point of no return
(a nine on a scale of zero to ten)
then karezza takes us only to a three.
And yes this can be applied
to every sexual act
other than semen play.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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