In this interdependent universe
in which we dwell
we can effect things, beings, and phenomena.
And they can effect us.
Even if we ignore them.
Hey, isn’t that how an ambush works,
or Ninja?
Giraffes can decapitate a lioness
with a single kick.
Unless the giraffe chooses to ignore the predators.
If she does,
the pride will eat well that night,
of that you can be sure
dear one.
Or consider Darth Vader’s
corridor carnage
in Rogue One.
If the crew members of the Profundity
had ignored him
would they have survived?
Better, I think,
to allow our choices, utterances, and deeds
to flow from centered spontaneity:
the fringe benefit of effective meditation.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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