It is said,
that during the Buddha’s first public lesson
he taught that the question
is NOT whether or not there is stress in our lives
(for there most certainly is)
BUT rather are we exacerbating it
(and we most certainly are).
He described Samsara
as an ocean filled with our resistance
and Nirvana as the mastery
of our acquiescence.
Ask any Judo enthusiast,
they’ll tell you that the question is NOT
whether you’ll get thrown
(for you most certainly will).
No the real question
is how effectively, and sustainably, and gracefully you flow
with being thrown.
Any idiot and run from a problem
but it requires true mastery to dance with it;
like the ever dignified Senator Padme Amidala
at a diplomatic event.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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