If we are chronically
short of temper
that is NOT
a psychological disorder
but a psychological symptom
of a physiological disorder…
A psychological symptom
of systemic inflammation
and an unhealthy gut microbiome.
If we are short of temper
processed foods
are NOT our friends.
If we wish to be peaceful and resourceful
we must choose whole grains
served like rice
rather than ground into breads or pastas.
If we wish to be peaceful and resourceful
we must choose olives, and seeds, and nuts
served whole
rather than ground into oil.
For any oil
within hours after consumption
will create an epithelial insult
as it inflames the linings of our arteries;
refraining from cooking in oil,
instead, sauté in water,
or poach, or steam,
or bake, or instant-pot.
If we are short of temper
animal products
are NOT our friends
for their consumption,
even if grass feed
and free-range,
is always followed
by inflammation.
Any animal-based dairy product
now has its plant-based counterpart
lower in inflammation
but equivalent in taste.
And salt,
though tasty and addictive
does much more harm than good…
raising both our blood pressure
as well as our hackles.
If we are short of temper
neither caffeine nor refined sugar
will enhance our calm…
whereas fruit:
fresh, and juicy,
and whole, and delicious,
could every sweet tooth satisfy.
If we are short of temper
living in defiance
of our circadian rhythms
will NOT help.
For we evolved mechanisms
that are in sync
with the rising
and setting of the sun…
and our bodies
are their most resilient
when we are early to bed
and early to rise…
and when we breakfast
like a king,
lunch like a prince,
and sup like a pauper…
and when we take brisk walks
and exert ourselves daily
in exercise:
safe and sustainable.
If we are short of temper
we must grow mindful of our triggers
unencumbered by self-condemnation
or defensiveness…
and recognize our triggers,
that we might avoid them
when we can,
and when we can NOT
avoid them
and can feel our aggression
excuse ourselves
and perform
walking meditation…
marrying the silent,
and mental recitations
of “This...” and “yes!”
with every inhalation
and every exhalation,
And dance with them
as they spontaneously
make their presence felt…
as they summersault
across the stage
of our mind…
during our formal
seated meditations
performed every morning
and every evening.
For neither our relationships
nor our blood vessels
can endure our rage.
And none of us wishes
to drive away our loved ones
no less suffer from stroke
or heart attack.
Come, let us train
in the Buddha’s
Contemplation and Compassion
that we, like Yoda,
might Meditate
like a Jedi.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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These spiritual poems are also available on
the “Meditate Like a Jedi” podcast.