you don’t have to be Taoist
to apply the teachings
of the Tao Te Ching!
You don’t have to pray, or worship,
or practice ritual, or even be Chinese.
All you have to do is play with the Tao Te Ching,
striving to read it, and comprehend it, and apply it.
If you have any questions about its meaning
you’re welcome to download my commentary on it.
It’s amateurish, full of typos,
and utterly FREE; no strings attached.
Many of the ideas in this fine book
are humorously explored in the 1998 movie “The Big Lebowski,”
and in the 1999 movie “The Phantom Menace.”
I broadcast a livestream on YouTube every twelve hours.
That’s where I answer questions
about comprehending and applying the Tao Te Ching.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
In the Tibetan tradition Lamas are supported
not by monasteries but by students
as such the production of these livestreams,
blogs, and class materials is supported
by the generosity of viewers, and listeners, and readers
just like you.
Join our nightly livestream.
Download FREE practice materials.