Elvis Costello sang
“…all those things you bought for her
could not get a temperature!”
Well of course not
gifts can NOT buy someone’s love
and ever if they could
it would be a cheap sort of thing.
Yet boys shaped by watching television reruns
of movies from the 30s and 40s
are sometimes lead to believe
that a sufficient number of romantic gestures
will win for us true love…
however, in reality
not so much.
In sixth grade
I had a crush on a beautiful girl
named Terry
for whom I created a piece of art
which I left in her desk
while everyone else was out at recess
for I left school early that day
to embark on a family trip.
My friends later told me
how when she discovered my gift
she threw a fit
tearing it up
and screaming
“what does he think he can buy me?”
And she was right,
and I was foolish.
Of course I couldn’t buy her love
despite the monochromatic promises
of screen writers long since dead.
For when boys are guided
by television and movies
great disappointments ensue.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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