What is it that separates
mere cleverness from genius?
which Einstein defined as intelligence at play.
And what then is it that separates
cleverness from creativity?
Therefore, as a sculptor removes from the stone
all that is not the statue,
likewise the wise let-go of all rigidity.
Contrast the attitude of a high school physics teacher
with that of a post-doctoral fellow working at CERN.
The former is quite rigid in his certitude
whereas the latter is quite flexible
before all the myriad conundrums
that seem to defy all he had been taught.
Like Yoda
confronted with his errors
by Qui Gon Jinn.
May each of us
be less like the dogmatic high school teacher
and more like the CERN scientist:
vulnerable, and flexible, and open.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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