“Gotta support the team”
Puddy bellowed
in the “Face Painter” episode of Seinfeld.
But the team didn’t care,
they didn’t even notice.
When subjected to the stressors
of late stage capitalism
adults childishly reach
for a parental figure:
real or imaginary,
celestial or corporeal.
But our favorite celebrities
cannot help us,
they’re just as fucked up as we are.
Like Palpatine,
who despite his promises,
proved unable to protect Padme.
Better, I think,
to direct our energies
to our friends, neighbors, and family.
Let us find solace in service.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
In the Tibetan tradition Lamas are supported
not by monasteries but by students
as such the production of these livestreams,
blogs, and class materials is supported
by the generosity of viewers, and listeners, and readers
just like you.
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