The Buddha taught
that we each love praise
and each hate scorn,
for nobody wants to be misunderstood,
no less be denied the benefit of the doubt.
But that is exactly what happens,
far too often.
Recall Anakin’s decapitation of Dooku
in “Revenge of the Sith.”
Palpatine claimed he did so out of revenge,
petty and hateful.
But those of us who’ve watched Anakin
in the prequels
and in “The Clone Wars”
know he did so
out of a devotion to the Chancellor,
whom he considered a friend,
whom he loved.
He did so
out of devotion.
Perhaps that is why Eric Burdon of the Animals sang,
“Oh lord, please don’t let me be misunderstood!”
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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