Don’t force your mind to still,
it wastes your time
and harms your mind.
To paraphrase Ray Charles,
let it “…do what it do.”
It’s all relative anyway:
sit for 20 minuets and your mind calms,
sit for 40 minuets and it calms further,
sit for 60 minutes and it grows yet calmer.
The question is not,
how calm are the coarser portions of your brain.
The real question is,
“How nimble is the subtle portion of your mind?”
Can it simply observe
our emotion, intention, cognition,
recollection, and imagination.
Can it accept whatever comes up,
be it as grotesque as Jabba the Hutt
or as glorious as one of his Twi’lek dancing girls?
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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