DAMNATION: what an excellent tool to frighten those bereft of critical thinking skills making them oh so easy to manipulate. For there is a demograph who (like the Buddha’s cousin Devadatta) are rigid, fearful, controlling, elitist, competitive and cruel; and for those villains and their minions fear is a favorite tool.
Found on every populated continent, in every culture, and within each religion these are the purveyors of fear, guilt, and are the authors of hell in all its iterations. I kid you not, there are public parks in Theravada south Asia where enormous statues depicting the torments of the hells are displayed for, so called, public edification.
Neuro science reminds us that our amygdala (the seat of fear) and our anterior cingulate gyrus (the seat of empathy) share an antagonistic relationship; for fear undermines love,
and vice versa. My friends fear cannot pave the path of love and peace any more than one could make love in the name of virginity.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/LamaJigmeGyatso - linktree in profile - #damnation #fear #manipulation
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