“If it’s to be it’s up to me…” said (or thought) all who are victims of their own controlling tendencies; but neither Lao Tzu, nor Gautama, nor all the great luminaries since, would agree. For the path of rigidity, fear, and control leads in the opposite direction as the way of being flexible, loving, and laid back; inferred by the Buddha’s fifth enlightenment factor.
The amygdala is fearful and it rules our under-brain dampening our prefrontal cortex, reducing it to venal cleverness. The hub of our mirror neurons (the anterior cingulate gyrus) is our seat of empathy, the dynamo that drives our journey of peace and fulfillment: it cooperates with our forebrain; cultivating the wisdom of letting-go.
Each inhalation is wired to access our thoracic spine’s sympathetic nervous system. It can access the mindfulness that is vulnerable, passive, visceral, and random. Perhaps that is why some mentally recite “Notice this…” during each IN-breath. Whether you notice pain, bliss, anxiety, peace, captivation, or boredom the only label you need ever use is “this.”
Every exhalation is tied to our lumbar and cervical spines’ parasympathetic nervous system. Mentally reciting “relaxing!” could remind our body to relax and our mind to release its resistance: habitual and draining.
Start off practicing for 5 minutes every twelve hours or so. If you lengthen your meditation 5 minutes every week, then within four months you could meditate like a Jedi.
Meditation and philosophy livestream every 12 hours – https://www.Youtube.com/@lamajigmeg – linktree in profile - #control #meditation #jedi
Latest contemplation guide and meditation text - https://www.meditatelikeajedi.org/_files/ugd/c5e62c_4c87bf80204849e694d0797846876380.pdf
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