As a bored child,
set upon the couch,
home from school
(with yet another illness)
I remember television shows,
featuring clowns,
working very hard
to keep numerous plates,
spinning upon vertical dowels,
all in a row.
By the conclusion of the act
the poor clown appeared
rather exhausted.
Is this not what happens
to our prefrontal cortex
when our brain endures
the cognitive dissonance,
resulting from juggling contradictory:
beliefs, views, and practices?
It is a remarkably short journey
from exhausted brain
to depressed brain,
and nobody wants that.
Remember how relived Darth Sidious acted
in “Revenge of the Sith”
when, due to his disfigurement,
he could no longer maintain the disguise
known as Sheev Palpatine?
As always, the best way
to deal with the cognitive dissonance
we observe in ourselves
and in others
is to flow from the Centered-spontaneity
generated by our practice
of mindfulness and meditation,
that are known by many names
such as: Dzogchen, Trekchö,
Mahamudra, Mahasandhi,
Ati-yoga, Ch’an and Zen.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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as such the production of these livestreams,
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by the generosity of viewers, and listeners, and readers
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