Good evening fellow old guys.
In 1979 Patrick Hernandez released his only hit,
“Born to be Alive.”
Similarly, healthy mammals are born
to empathize, love, commiserate, and cooperate.
It is the spontaneous function
of our anterior cingulate gyrus.
It does not have to be forced,
it works best when it isn’t.
In Tibet it was taught that the highest love
is spontaneous and uncontrived.
To put it in terms
of Jungian psychology
the better attuned we are
to whispers
of the collective unconscious
the better we’ll meet
others needs.
That is why we practice mindfulness,
that is why we meditate.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
In the Tibetan tradition Lamas are supported
not by monasteries but by students
as such the production of these livestreams,
blogs, and class materials is supported
by the generosity of viewers, and listeners, and readers
just like you.
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