Like iron filings
drawn to a magnet,
likewise are the minions of patriarchy
drawn to creatives;
come to dampen their vision
and hinder the sharing of their art
using all the tools
that money, and technology, and politicking
have at their disposal.
But not all go quietly
into that good night.
Some are so enthralled
with the splendor of their creative vision
that they will learn to play the game,
and pay their dues
that they might have the revenge
of realizing their artistic project.
All the while they forget Nietzsche’s warning
that those who fight monsters
could become one in turn,
or Obi Wan Kenobi’s lament
to Anakin on Mustafar,
“You were supposed to destroy the Sith,
not join them!”
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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