The lethal virus Covid 19
has taken many lives.
A secret of its virulence
lies in the presence of a symbiotic virus:
craven greed.
Its protein sheath is called
late stage capitalism.
At the onset of Covid 19
Bernie Sanders proposed legislation to prevent
needless death, job loss, and economic ruin
including single-payer health care
and unconditional basic income.
His plan would have saved
human lives
as well as the economy.
It was loved by all.
All except the moneyed elite
their minions and their shills:
talking heads, some of which are found on Fox News.
Is it any surprise, that in response to this,
the shills began proclaiming
it was every patriot’s duty
to die for his nation’s economy.
Remember, these are the same folks
who rail against feeding
the children of the poor and exploited.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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