Life is not always bliss.
When life is tragic, and cruel and nightmarish
what are we to do?
When we are sitting by a relative’s bed in the hospice
watching them suffer
and waiting for the inevitable
what are we to do?
The most basic imperative,
way down at the bottom of your brain is simple…
As you breathe in
exercise the courage
to be vulnerable to everything:
to your experience,
to your relative’s experience,
to the circumstance itself
and to whatever cartwheels
across the stage
of the theater
of your mind.
You can NOT inhale forever,
and when it is time to breath out…
Relax as best you can
and set space for your mind to release,
at least to a certain degree.
Your vulnerability
will communicate
more elegantly of your love for them
than a hundred hallmark cards,
or a thousand picnics on Naboo.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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