Consider communication:
its complexity, and its ramifications.
What we say,
the words we use,
and the way we use them
will (in this interdependent universe in which we dwell)
effect others utterly.
Our communication effects
the thoughts, emotions, intentions, memories, and fantasies,
of those we speak to,
not to mention their perceptions
of sensations, flavors, scents, sounds, and sights.
How much more so,
if we communicate with them
when they are already in a state of hyper-suggestibility
due to pain: physical, or emotional, or both.
This is why,
if we intend to do more good than harm,
what we say, and how we say it
MUST come from the flow state
that is cultivated as we practice
mindfulness and meditation.
Let us conclude
with a simple
call to action
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