The Force according to Darth Sidious is NOT the same Force as that experienced (by my hero) Qui Gon Jinn. It is from Lao Tzu’s perspective that we could make better sense of the galaxy that George built.
For centuries stupid white men have insisted that Lao Tzu’s magus opus was all about the balancing of Yang and Yin; which makes great sense… right up until you actually read the Tao Te Ching. Consider the first two lines of its twenty-eighth song: “Know the masculine. But hold to the Feminine.”
What are the attributes of one who is under the influence of Yang? They tend to be: rigid, fearful, controlling, elitist, competitive and cruel. Could that remind you of some crimson saber wielding, amber eyed individuals?
Those surfing the wave of Yin tend to be: flexible, loving, laid-back, egalitarian, cooperative, and kind; like Qui Gon Jinn and other few who were led more by the force than by politics or regulations.
Dancing with the Tao Te Ching, from the perspective of striving to apply its teachings (that one might better cope with neurodivergence) it seems that the Tao is less of an entity and more of a system. A means of avoiding the two toxic extremes of being either controlling or scattered and instead flowing from a place of centered spontaneity cultivated though the power of: our sympathetic nervous system’s perception, our parasympathetic release, and our anterior cingulate gyrus’ empathy. _/\_
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